Faro Public Works + Firehall

Faro Public Works + Firehall The existing public works and fire hall in Faro, Yukon are undersized for the town’s needs and the buildings have outlived their useful lives.  In 2018, Kobayashi + Zedda was engaged to design a new, shared public works and fire hall facility for the town of Faro. The design includes [...]

City of Whitehorse Operations Building

City of Whitehorse Operations Building The new 12,000 m² City of Whitehorse Operations building is designed as the solution to bring the City’s workspaces up to current standards. The program includes an office wing, employee support areas, the city transit services department, and an operations building to house equipment, maintenance workshops and stores. KZA together [...]

Yukon Archives Vault Expansion

Yukon Archives Vault Expansion The addition to the Yukon Archives facility, located at Yukon College, is intended to provide a high-performance archival environment for the storage, retrieval, administration, and consultation of records and imprint materials of permanent value. The proposed vault addition to the existing facility is expected to augment the existing storage vaults, and [...]

Valleyview Town Hall

Valleyview Town Hall The new Town Hall for the Town of Valleyview, Alberta replaces the existing 40 year-old building with a new facility that allows the town to provide efficient more efficient service, and meet the rigorous energy efficiency goals of Passive House (80% energy use reduction) in order to reduce operations and maintenance costs [...]

Whitehorse Emergency Response Centre

Whitehorse Emergency Response Centre The architectural program for this building is highly complex owing, in part, to the diverse nature of the facility which will house a 6 bay Emergency Response Services (EMS) facility, living quarters, offices, training centre and communications centre. Further complicating the programme requirements of the building are enhanced security requirements inside [...]

Yukon University Administration + Desk

Yukon College Administration + Desk Kobayashi + Zedda Architects was retained by Yukon College to renovate the Student Services Centre. The goal of the renovation was to make the area more open and accessible to students wishing to utilize the services available in the Centre (computers, counsellors and resource material). In addition to renovating the [...]

Old Crow Research Facility

Old Crow Research Facility This 400 square metre research facility was designed by the architect and constructed by KZA’s construction arm, 360° Design Build.  Constructed on ad-freeze piles in perma-frost, the foundation is literally frozen into the frozen soil below and then covered to maintain the soil in a frozen state to ensure stability. All [...]

Watson Lake Environment District Office

Watson Lake Environment District Office This 300 m2 building replaces a complex – dating back to the 1960s – consisting of a small building, trailer and storage shed.  The new building provides for four offices, a meeting room, work bays, a biological submission room with walk-in freezer, general storage, washrooms and space for seasonal staff. [...]

Yukon Energy Corporation Offices

Yukon Energy Corporation Offices A recipient of a 1999 National Energy Efficiency Award, the new corporate office building for YEC is the first building north of 60 to be designed under the C-2000 program, a pre-cursor to today’s integrated design process. As a participant in the Commercial Buildings Incentive Program (CBIP) for energy efficiency, the [...]