Mayo School
Mayo School is a kindergarten to grade 12 school, community hall, gymnasium and satellite campus of Yukon College located in Mayo, Yukon. This 3,300 square metre wood frame school serves a small isolated community of 500 residents and is located 550 kilometres north of Whitehorse. Constructed on the traditional territory of the Nacho Nyak Dun First Nation, the Mayo Replacement School is designed to meet the needs of the entire community as well as students.
As the largest structure in town it serves many additional roles including a centre for community and first nation ceremonies, public library, disaster relief centre and recreation centre.
The focal point of the design is the Tree of Learning designed by Vancouver structural engineer Fast + Epp.
The Mayo school is one of the earliest northern recipients of the C2000 energy conservation program having been awarded the CBIP/C2000 designation in 2002.
Completed under predecessor firm Florian Maurer Architect Ltd (ownership Jack Kobayashi and Florian Maurer). Project Designer: Florian Maurer.
Government of Yukon