Cornerstone Supportive + Affordable Housing
Housing affordability is a critical issue in Whitehorse’s overheated property market. Without incentives, there has been no meaningful private market response to the demand as rental income is considered insufficient to cover development costs or provide a reasonable return on investment.
Through the Cornerstone Supportive and Affordable Housing Project, Challenge addresses the shortage of supportive and affordable rental apartments for one-person households through the construction 53 supportive and affordable units. For those individuals and others at risk of homelessness, a safe and secure micro-apartment in a convenient downtown location provides the foundation to live safely and independently.
Supportive housing aims to provide long-term and affordable for individuals experiencing (or at imminent risk of) homelessness, with moderate disabilities and/or mental illness. Supportive housing is coupled with embedded support services (i.e. available on and off-site) that are made generally available to all individuals but also includes existing external supports provided for specific individuals.
Challenge Disability Resource Group